sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

El Queens Park Rangers se escapa de la reducción de puntos

Este viernes la confederación de fútbol de Inglaterra  (The F.A) declaro culpable al Queens Park Rangers en dos de los siete cargos relacionados con la Contratación del Argentino Faurlin,  estos dos cargos no implicaron la deducción de los 15 puntos pues la confederación inglesa declaro en su pagina oficial que aunque el Queens Park Rangers es culpable de 2 cargos no habían evidencias fuertes para que se le sancionara con la deducción automática de 15 puntos para esta temporada o para la próxima temporada, pero si implicaron una multa de 875 mil libras,la sanción se divide de la siguiente manera 800 mil libras por incumplir el articulo E3 de la reglamentación de la F.A,que expresa que 

1 The Association may act against a Participant in respect of any “Misconduct”, which is
defined as being a breach of the following:
(a) the Laws of the Game;
(b) the Rules and regulations of The Association and in particular Rules E3 to 28
(c) the statutes and regulations of UEFA;
(d) the statutes and regulations of FIFA;
(e) the rules or regulations of an Affiliated Association or Competition; and
(f) an order, requirement, direction or instruction of The Associationhttp://www.thefa.com/TheFA/~/media/Files/PDF/TheFA/Rules_Regs/FA_Handbook_2010-11-v1.ashx/FA_Handbook_2010-11-v1.pdf

tambien se le sanciono con 75 mil ibras por incumplir con el articulo A1:

Pursuant to the Articles of Association (the “Articles”) of The Football Association (“The
Association”), the Board of Directors of The Association (the “FA Board”) has resolved to
establish a committee of he FA Board to be known as the Professional Game Board (the
“pGB”) which will perform on behalf of the FA Board certain delegated functions in relation
to the Professional Game in accordance with the Laws of the Game (each as defined in the
Articles) as they affect those football clubs who play from time to time in The FA Premier
League and The Football League (each as defined in the Articles) (“Clubs”). The FA Board
has, with the authority of the Articles, provided for the due discharge by the PGB of the
functions referred to above, in accordance with these terms of reference (“Terms”  http://www.thefa.com/TheFA/~/media/Files/PDF/TheFA/Rules_Regs/FA_Handbook_2010-11-v1.ashx/FA_Handbook_2010-11-v1.pdf

El queens Park rangers fue absuelto de los otros 5 cargos y por lo consiguiente  logra luego de 15 años regresar a la máxima categoria del fútbol ingles gracias a una temporada de lujo.

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