sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009

Manchester City Tiene Nuevo Dt.Roberto Mancini

Tomados los Datos de la web official

Manchester City FC can confirm that it has today terminated the contract of Mark Hughes.
In giving reason for the termination Chairman Khaldoon Al Mubarak said:
“Prior to the current season beginning, with significant investment in players and infrastructure in place, the consensus between the Board and coaching staff was that appropriate agreed targets should be set for the 2009/2010 season.  
“The targets were agreed as a result of the player acquisition strategy of the club being radically accelerated in the summer as a result of very favourable conditions for any buying club.  It was also based on the fact that the infrastructure of the club had been overhauled completely at great cost in order to create the best possible environment for the team.
“A return of two wins in 11 Premier League games is clearly not in line with the targets that were agreed and set.  Sheikh Mansour and the Board felt that there was no evidence that the situation would fundamentally change. This is a particularly difficult announcement given the personal investment over the past 15 months on all sides and we would like to put on record our respect for and thanks to Mark Hughes and we wish him the best in his future career.”
 Manchester City Football Club can confirm the appointment, with immediate effect on a permanent contract, of Roberto Mancini and are also pleased to announce that Brian Kidd will join Roberto as assistant manager.
Commenting on the appointment, Khaldoon Al Mubarak said:  “Roberto is a hugely experienced manager with a proven track record of winning trophies and championships.  His experience and track record speak for themselves.  What is absolutely clear is that Roberto believes in Manchester City’s potential to achieve at the highest level and importantly in his own ability to make this happen.  My hope is that our incredible fans will join us in welcoming Roberto to the football club.”
Mark Bowen, Eddie Niedzwiecki, Kevin Hitchcock and Glyn Hodges have also left the Club and further appointments will be announced in due course.

Roberto Mancini

Roberto Mancini, en el curso de su carrera como entrenador, se sentó en los bancos de Lazio, Fiorentina e Inter. Su honra es de 3 scuddetos  (con el Inter, en 2005-06, 2006-07 y 2007-08), 4 Copas de Italia (con la Fiorentina en 2000-01, en 2003-04 con el Lazio, en 2004-05 y en 2005-06 con el Inter) y 2 Supercopas italianas (2005 y 2006, tanto con el Inter). Al final de la temporada 2007-08 fue galardonado con el banco de oro. 

3 comentarios:

Leyendas y Conspiraciones dijo...

pues ojala sea un empujón para un city que practica un juego muy vistoso

Pablo dijo...

Tienen una plantilla confeccionada a base de talonario, pero no han dado la talla. Lástima la destitución de Mark Hughes.

Saludos desde La Pizarra - Blog de Fútbol

Leyendas y Conspiraciones dijo...

ojala tevez se ponga el equipo al hombre

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