sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

El Porsmouth finalmente vendido

El Porsmouth ha anunciado a través de su Pagina Web que el club ha salido de la administración y que al final agradece al señor GaydamaK por acceder para que se concrete la venta,
a partir de hoy el porsmouth es un nuevo equipo y esperamos que logre recuperar su nivel en premier league, pues la historia no se olvida y el pompey es un equipo de las mas historicos en el complicado y apasionante fútbol ingles.

Comunicado de Prensa

The Administrators of Portsmouth City Football Club Ltd are pleased to announce that negotiations between the various parties concerning the sale of the club have now been satisfactorily concluded.
Accordingly, the club has now been formally sold by the Joint Administrators, Messrs UHY Hacker Young, and will continue to trade outside of Administration.

The Administrators would like to thank Mr Gaydamak for his cooperation and assistance in securing the future of the club and acknowledges that he has played an integral part in delivering its survival.

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